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Announcing the Fall Press Corps Intensive!

Purple  Fall Pci Flyer

We are excited to launch applications for the Fall Press Corps Intensive! The Press Corps Intensive is a FREE five-week arts-going and criticism practice workshop. The Fall session runs October 10-November 18. In this program,10 teens will work with professional writers and critics who will help mentor and hone your arts criticism skills. The session includes five different art events at several TeenTix Arts Partners.

You’ll see:

After each arts event, you’ll write a review and bring it to our Sunday meetings. At each meeting you’ll receive one-on-one feedback on your writing and be able to discuss the art you saw. All ticket costs are covered, and a travel stipend for bus fare to and from events is also available. At the end of the workshop a review by each a participant will be posted on the TeenTix blog.


The Fall Intensive will be taught by professional critics and writers. Instructors will provide individual editing feedback and mentorship so you can hone and strengthen your writing and reviewing skills. The exact lineup of teaching artists is still in the works, but stay tuned for more info!


Please allow adequate time to complete your application and answer each question as thoroughly as possible. The Press Corps is interested in working with teens whose writing communicates their personality, and reflects time, effort, and thoughtfulness.


Applications now close Thursday, September 27th and all applicants will be notified on Monday, October 1st.

In this application you will need to:

- Answer several demographic questions
- Choose to respond to 3 out of 5 short answer questions
- Provide one, 300-word writing sample
- Answer several scheduling questions

THE SCHEDULE: (please read carefully)

The Press Corps Intensive runs October 10th - November 18th. All arts events and meetings are mandatory. If you have questions or concerns about the schedule please contact Mariko, the Press Corps Manager: mariko@teentix.org

Wednesday, October 10th, 6:30-8 PM: Orientation and Pizza Party

Friday, October 12th, 6:30 PM: Art Event - Esme Patterson at The Fremont Abbey

Sunday, October 14th, 1-3 PM: Meeting

Friday, October 19th, 6:30 PM: Art Event - White Rabbit at TWIST by Three Dollar Bill Cinema

Sunday, October 21st, 1-3 PM: Meeting

Friday, October 26th, 6:30 PM: Art Event - FADE at Seattle Public Theater

Sunday, October 28th, 1-3 PM: Meeting

Thursday, November 1st, 5 PM: Art Event - First Thursday at NAAM

Sunday, November 4th, 1-3 PM: Meeting

Friday, November 9th, 6:30 PM: Art Event - A Thousand Splendid Suns at Seattle Repertory Theatre

Sunday, November 11th, 1-3 PM: Meeting

Sunday, November 18th, 1-2:30 PM: Wrap Up Meeting and Party!

*Please note, Sunday meetings were originally scheduled from 11-1 PM, but will now be held from 1-3 PM.


TeenTix is excited to work with three wonderful critics - Becs Richards, Gayle Clemans, and Ma'Chell Duma - as teaching artists for the Press Corps Intensive.

Becs Richards

Becs Richards Is transfeminist arts journalist, community organizer, and painter. In the work that they do, Becs strives to deconstruct systems of oppression, invest in building community, and fight for their own, and collective, liberation. Most of their work has been in Seattle with Seattle Weekly, Hollow Earth Radio, Sub Pop, Deconstruct Collective, and the experimental music and theatre community at large.

Gayle Clemans

Gayle Clemans is an art historian, critic, and novelist who regularly contributes to The Seattle Times. After a stint at The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Gayle moved to the great Pacific Northwest to receive her Ph.D. in Art History at the University of Washington. She is a founding faculty member of Critical & Contextual Studies at Cornish College of the Arts where she facilitates students’ explorations of writing, theory, and art history as they relate to their creative practices.

Ma'Chell Duma

Raised on a working farm in North Dakota, Ma'Chell Duma came to Seattle solo with a $100 in her pocket to be part of the fabled music scene. After 10 years in music programming, production, and PR she became a New Yorker and music critic. Upon returning to Seattle, she created the award-winning, Feminist arts publication STACKEDD Magazine.

As a freelance writer, editor, and cultural critic, her work has appeared in The Ghosts of Seattle Past Literary Anthology, New York Magazine,The Huffington Post, Dame, Marie Claire, Leafly, XOJane,The Dallas Observer, multiple Village Voice Media publications, Seattle Weekly, The Stranger, and The Deli. She frequently speaks and gives presentations on the intersection of feminism, social justice, and pop culture. She also consults with businesses wishing to diversify their hiring practices.

Her latest venture, The Better Bellwether Newsletter, is subscription service for connoisseurs of premium creative culture. She loves her kid, tacos, and smashing the patriarchy. Ma’Chell currently lives in Seattle (but dreams of returning to Queens someday) with her son Strummer, and very chill cat Abby the Tabby.


Email Mariko, the Press Corps Manager, at mariko@teentix.org

To read reviews by teens in our Spring 2018 Press Corps Intensive, check out the TeenTix blog!


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