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Experiments at Henry Art Gallery

Wish there were a way to look at art other than just, y'know...looking? This is for you. This weekend only, Henry Art Gallery, in partnership with some cool Museology grad students (YES IT'S A WORD) are bringing you "Experiments in Participatory Design." What is it? It's a chance for you to interact with the exhibit Vortexhibition Polyphonica in some radical, interactive ways, such as:

Air Your Dirty Laundry

Do you have a secret that you’ve never shared? Something that you are just dying to reveal? Air Your Dirty Laundry at the Henry, and help us sort and hang the secrets of other participants. You can also get into an artist’s head, and tell us what secrets their artwork reveals.

Alphabet Soup with Xavier

A little silver man is living in the Henry Art Gallery. What is he thinking, what is he feeling? Rearrange, combine, create and build on streams of thought in his bubble. Let us know what his story is, or even better, tell us your story!

Stringing Connections

You will have the opportunity to create and build upon previous connections on a large-scale collaborative map, located near the entry to the gallery. What pieces in the gallery fit together, how do they connect? Leave your mark on the exhibition, and see the ways that others have interpreted the artwork.

Sounds kind of interesting, right? Yeah, we thought so, too.

Experiments in Participatory Design
Henry Art Gallery
Activities will take place
5-7 PM and 8-9 PM Friday, February 4
11:00-4:00 Saturday, February 5, and Sunday February 6
REMEMBER: The Henry is ALWAYS FREE for Teen Tix members, and you can always bring a guest for $5!


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