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It's a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play presented by Taproot Theatre @ North Seattle Community College

If you live in the Phinney/Greenwood neighborhood, or have been following local news lately, you probably already know that Taproot Theatre, along with several other businesses and homes in the Greenwood neighborhood, was severly damaged in one of a rash of fires that were set by an arsonist over the past month.

Mark Lund, Candace Vance and Grant Goodeve in Taproot Theatre's It's A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play. Photo by Erik Stuhaug.

Taproot had planned to present a new play, Sherlock Holmes and and the Case of the Christmas Carol, as their seasonal show this year (and they are still presenting two staged readings of the play - by local playwright John Longenbaugh - on December 4th & 5th at SPU.) But, when their space became unusable, they realized that they didn't have room for that production, and quickly pulled together a remount of their popular live radio play version of It's a Wonderful Life. It's an apt choice: a story about one individual's value to a community to respond to one individual's attempt to decimate a community. Expect a heart-string-tugging evening and a lesson in the healing power of art.

It's a Wonderful Life
Presented by Taproot Theatre at North Seattle Community College's Stage One
Through December 30th
More information at
Directions to NSCC's Stage One


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