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Driftwood Theatre Arts Scholarships


The Edmonds Driftwood Players, a non-profit community theatre, will award scholarships ($500 or more) to deserving students who will attend college in the ’12 –’13 school year and who currently reside in or attend school in the South Snohomish or NW King County areas.

Applicants shall have demonstrated talent in the theatre arts (performance or technical areas) and intend to study theatre arts in college.

Deadline for applications is April 13, 2012.


Applicants are required to submit the following pertinent information for consideration for the scholarship awards:

1. Applicant name, address, phone number. If a minor- Parent name(s) and address(es)
2. Name of your current school and counselor or advisor.
3. A list of high school or college extracurricular activities, and any awards or honors received.
4. Intended college for fall 2012.
5. A letter from your teacher in your school's Theatre Department or other theatre mentor.
6. An essay of 300 words about your interest in theatre arts and what you plan to study in college.
7. Transcript of grades, including the 1st semester of senior year or latest semester of college.
8. Date of awards ceremonies at your high School (if applicable).

Winners will be selected by an evaluation of the above information.

Send application information postmarked by April 13, 2012 to:

Driftwood Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 385, Edmonds, WA 98020


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