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GiveBIG SUPERSTAR Thomas Van Doren

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It's ANOTHER GiveBIG SUPERSTAR highlight: Thomas Van Doren!

What’s a TeenTix GiveBIG SUPERSTAR? A SUPERSTAR is a devoted TeenTix supporter who can't get enough of the crazy GiveBIG energy. Every GiveBIG SUPERSTAR exceeds our exceptations year after year. Thomas is not only a TeenTix Board member and a lead volunteer helping us with our Teens Count project - he's also given to GiveBIG for the last 2 years.

PLUS - we are super excited to announce, that this year he's offered to match $500 in GiveBIG gifts!!!!!

So on top of our 1:1 match, our suprise 1,000 match, and our SUPERSTAR Erica Gomez's $500 match (for teens and TeenTix alumni!) - we've got ANOTHER $500 to help stretch your gift EVEN FARTHER! WOW! Thank you Thomas!

"I wasn't involved in art much as a kid, but I found dance in college becuase I took a Dance 101 class when started as a freshman at the University of Washington in 2006." What started out as an interest in dance quickly became Thomas's passion and he found his community. Though he ended up with a B.S. Computer Science, Thomas knows the impact that art can have on people's lives. "As a former dancer, I like to stay involved as a supporter of the arts and as an audience member. And if I can help provide teens the same opportunities that inspired me as a young college student, I want to do everything I can to help that."

Thomas is now Director of Systems Engineering at 98point6 - a local healthcare startup that works to greately reduce the cost of primary healthcare making it more accessable to everyone. KEEPING THINGS ACCESSABLE IS IN HIS BLOOD! As an audience member, you can find him regularly at On the Boards, Three Dollar Bill Cinema, and 5th Avenue Theatre.

WOW. Thanks Thomas for ALL you do for us. AND ESPECIALLY for supporting us today through GiveBIG. You are an arts access hero!

"I'm a really big fan of TeenTix because it's so important for more teens to have access to art. You never know what will inspire you."

Speaking of GiveBig, it’s almost OVER! Click here to learn more about our exciting plans with GiveBIG, and make your gift today!


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