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Arts Education Forum
Monday, November 8
6:30 - 7:30
Pigott Auditorium, Seattle U
1017 E Marion St.

Teen Tixers: The Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs specifically asked us to ask you if you would please attend this event. It's a "student-directed community forum about creative learning and student success." A student panel will lead a discussion with, ahem, the Mayor of Seattle, Mike McGinn, and Seattle Public Schools' Chief Academic Officer Susan Enfield (also known as the lady who decides what you get to learn) about "how the arts engage, challenge, and motivate young people." So, y'know, it would be good if there were some actual young people there for that.

Seriously, you're all aware that the economy is bad, budgets are getting slashed - you've probably already felt the impact of that at your school. Arts education is always vulnerable in times like these. So, if you value your drama class, your photography lab, your digital media whathaveyouthingthatyouyoungsterslikethesedays, come to this event and say that to people who actually have the power to make a difference.

It's from 6:30 - 7:30 at Pigott Auditorium at Seattle University, 1017 E. Marion St., with a post-forum chat and refreshments from 7:30 - 8:00.

More info at seattle.gov/arts.


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