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Register for YouthCAN and Get Your Art Out There!


Get Your Art Out There! Build a Creative Portfolio with YouthCAN

Teen artists, get noticed! Learn how to build an online portfolio and tell the story behind your art, whether you make paintings, poems, or something completely different. Professional designer Raj Makker will teach you how to use HTML, take great photos, and write about your art. Learn design principles and find out how designers use their art skills to solve problems. What new uses can you find for your art?

There will be an info session with Raj at Young Tea (609 S Weller St) on Saturday, September 26 from 12-2pm. Enjoy tea and learn about our program!

YouthCAN will meet Fridays at the Wing Luke Museum (719 S. King St). This program for teens ages 15-19 is always FREE!



What is YouthCAN?

YouthCAN is the Wing Luke Museum's award-winning arts and leadership program for youth ages 15-19. YouthCAN provides space for creative expression, civic engagement, and professional development in the arts. The program is always FREE.

- Creative Expression

Through YouthCAN, students work with mentor artists to learn a wide range of art forms. YouthCAN helps youth explore their identities as informed by social justice issues, and involves them in their community through hands-on art projects.

- Civic Engagement

Social and political issues are a large part of YouthCAN's programming. Our past exhibits have used art as a way to talk about exploitation of workers, poverty, and institutional racism.

- Professional Development

YouthCAN students gain curatorial experience by developing and installing their own exhibitions in the Frank Fuji Gallery at the Wing Luke Museum. Youth artwork has also appeared in the Wing’s storefront window, Chinatown-ID's Canton Alley, the City of Seattle’s Ethnic Heritage Gallery, and other community venues.


Does this sound like you? To register or find out more about YouthCAN, contact YouthCAN Manager Minh Nguyen at (206) 623-5124 x 102 or at minh@wingluke.org. The deadline for registration is October 2, don't delay! Sign up today.


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