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Teens at the Center of SPT's The Clockwork Professor

Written by TeenTix Intern Kayli Wong in partnership with Teens In Public Service.

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Calling for a celebration of teens! The upcoming youth-driven play, The Clockwork Professor, was produced with the efforts of teen collaborations. From the Youth Advisory Cohort, to the lighting and marketing interns, to the assistant directors, the teens have come together to create an amazing production.

The Youth Advisory Cohort plays a pivotal role in shaping this summer's theatrical experience at Seattle Public Theater. From selecting the director to reading scripts and assisting in casting decisions, these teens are the driving force behind the production's creative direction. As the youth recall the play, their favorite moments illustrate how fun the entire process is.

Lexi Poisel, a member of the Youth Advisory Cohort, remembered her favorite part throughout the process. “My favorite part was immersing myself in reading all the scripts and imagining how the stories could come to life on our stage. It was fascinating to see the diverse ways the shows were written and envisioned by the writers. Each script offered a unique perspective and creative approach, making the process of envisioning the productions an incredibly interesting and exciting experience.”

Pictured: Natalie McManus, Nova Rietberg in rehearsal

The teens chose The Clockwork Professor, because “it’s a play that is fun and exists in a very interesting world. We wanted to choose something that people would have a really good time doing that also provided a lot of depth that we could dig into during the rehearsal process” recalled Cordelia Carranza.

Pictured: Natalie McManus, Remi Cruz, Nova Rietberg in rehearsal

Overall, the teens’ involvement highlights Seattle Public Theater's commitment to empowering young voices. In addition to the Youth Advisory Cohort, Seattle Public Theater offers valuable learning opportunities through its production internships. Lighting and marketing interns, assistant directors, and stage managers have had the opportunity to work with the SPT’s professional team with hands-on experience. These roles helped young participants to gain practical experience in every facet of theater production, and professional experience in the theater setting. The teens came together and are a large part of the success of The Clockwork Professor, and have helped achieve the theater’s overall goal of putting the power back into the hands of our young artists and letting them lead with professional resources and guidance.


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