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Teen Tix Seeks New Members for its Teen Steering Committee

Are you a regular use Teen Tix member? Do you have strong thoughts and opinions? Looking for a new volunteer opportunity? Want to rule the world?

If so, then we want YOU!

Teen Tix is recruiting new members for its Teen Steering Committee. The committee meets once a month to discuss all issues Teen Tix. Help us shape the future of the program, find ways to improve things, recruit new members, and generally keep it real. Special perks are involved, and your presence valued. Come join us!

If interested, email teentix@seattle.gov for more information.

Here are profiles on a couple of our current members. You could find yourself here soon!

TeenTix's BlogMaster, Sophia Babai is a TeenTix reviewer as well as a member of the steering committee. Predictably, she loves writing and also reviews new and unreleased books for Flaming Net. Other activities include singing and volunteering--namely at Ten Thousand Villages and the Amnesty International and Invisible Children's clubs at Newport High School, where she is a junior. Some of her poems have been published in local anthologies and national magazines.

Tavis Hamilton is currently a junior in high school. He is an avid participant in theater, and is also a musician. He loves swimming, fencing, and going on marvelous adventures.


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