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yearbook yourself

What with school looming on the horizon, I thought today would be a good day to share my new favorite thing: yearboookyourself.com, where you can paste yourself into yearbook photos from bygone eras.

Since my true identity is a closely-guarded secret, and since I'm trying to find some way to construe this as arts news, I'm going to post the yearbooked photos of of local playwright, actor, director, all around talented gal, Darian Lindle:

Darian is one of the playwrights whose work is being performed in September as part of the June Carter Cash Project at Live Girls! Theater in Ballard. The show features three short plays inspired by the legendary singer, and it runs at LG! September 12th - October 4th. Live Girls! is a theater company dedicated to developing and producing new work by women, and their tickets, incidentally, are always free at the door for people 18 and under. See how I made that about art? I'm awesome.


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