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  • Scarecrowber Bell Book And Candle

Gillian Holroyd (Kim Novak) is a witch living a happy life in her insular Greenwich Village community—she has friends, a favorite spooky social club, and a successful business selling enchanted wares from across the globe. But she harbors a secret longing for human emotion and love, the one thing she can’t enjoy as a witch. Her brother Nicky (Jack Lemmon) has no such desires and lives his life as a playful warlock, eager to ensnare their new neighbor Shep (Jimmy Stewart) for Gillian when she takes an interest in him. 

Although framed as a lighthearted romance, Gillian’s story reflects her search for a deeper connection to human empathy. In achieving her goal, she also gains some of the things that go along with it--loneliness and regret. Anyone who has longed to make a leap from their own comfort zone will root for Gillian and be charmed all the way to the final scene. —Megan McNelis

Upcoming Dates

  • Wed, Oct 23, 2024 5:00pm
  • Wed, Oct 23, 2024 5:00pm


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