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  • Uw 11x17 vanityfair pdf 475 x 430 px

In VANITY FAIR, Becky, orphaned and disadvantaged, is cunning and ambitious, while Amelia, born into privilege, is well-intentioned but naive. As they each strive to secure love, success, and stability in the patriarchy of early 19th-century London they face many obstacles to their dreams.

As their parallel stories unfold, the audience is forced to confront our own hypocrisy and the complexities of a world that often rewards those who break the rules. Through Becky and Amelia’s travails, this thrilling, highly theatrical (im)morality play explores the flexibility of our morals when faced with the harsh realities of our lives


Tickets are available at the performance venue box office one hour prior to curtain. Cash only at box office. No over-the-phone sales.


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